
5 Ways to Manage When You Need to Do Everything at Once

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Dear Readers:

One of the things I love most about our industry is the chance we all have to meet, connect with, and service a number of different clients, each with his or her own unique vision, soul and dream.  Unfortunately, with this blessing also comes a bit of what I call “good stress,” when we can’t “prioritize” clients because each of them is a priority!  What do you do when you’re working on three big jobs and need to be everywhere (almost) at once?  If you’re anything like me, you remind yourself not to panic, take a deep breath, and get down to business.  Here are a few ways I have learned to manage my busier days:

Get organized: It used to spend nearly as much time searching for things as I would on the task I needed the items for.  Now, I keep everything together and it’s helped tremendously to always know where to find a pen, pad of paper, ink and my business cards. I actually carry a backpack to work with me each day and always have my essential items (notes, pens, paper, laptop) in there.

Make a list and take notes:  I love my Mac and Google calendars,  but I am a little old fashioned when it comes to writing things down with a ballpoint pen in my somewhat retro calendar and notepad.  I like to see what needs to be done, regardless of where I am (and whether there is Wifi or phone service) and it really helps me to take notes while having discussions on the telephone and in-person.

Lighten the load: If I need to do something in order for other people (my design team, production staff, etc.) to get their work done, this becomes a high priority.  Holding up one person can be like holding up one hundred, depending on the task. Even if it is just one person, no one appreciates waiting around for the same things time and time again. Be honest about how long it will take to do something and then do your very best to make that deadline.

Respect the roles and trust in the talents of others: I am a self-professed control freak as I think most artists are, but time has taught me to share my vision, be clear about my expectations and then allow those who work with me to do their jobs to the best of their ability, much like I ask my brides to do.

Be realistic: There are times when we must rush to make a daunting deadline, but the reality is that quality work takes time and focus and there comes a point when we must be realistic and say, “OK, this will take X amount of time to do once and do it right.”

How do you manage when you have a lot on your plate? I’d love to hear your tips!



(Photo courtesy of Pinterest)

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Categories: Advice, Advice for artists, Celebrity wedding planner, Inspirational Artist Advice, Inspirational Event Career Advice, Inspirational Event Designer Advice, Inspirational Wedding Designer Advice, Inspirational Wedding Planner Advice, manage, NY wedding designer, Preston Bailey, preston bailey blog, Preston Bailey Bridal Blog, preston bailey brides, Preston Bailey Inspiration, stress, Top Event Designer, Top event planner, Top Event Planner NYC, Top NY Event designer, top ny wedding planner, Top Wedding Blogs, Top Wedding Planner, wedding ideas

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