
It is impossible for me to strive for less than HAPPY

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Preston Bailey, Preston Bailey's Blog, Kathy Romero, Kathy Romero Advice, Holiday Advice, Holiday Goal, Goals, Acheiving happiness, striving to be happy, happiness

Dear Readers,

While my life is in constant motion, as the holidays draw closer the plan is to allow myself to slow down in between weddings, events, family gatherings, etc. It’s amazing what a little time to disconnect can do:

I have confirmed a few things:

1. It’s impossible for me to strive for less than perfect.

So I decided that perfect is the best that I can do with the tools that I am handed for the task. Sometimes our focus is not clear when perfection is the goal. So, from now on I’m going to swap “perfect” with “happy”. The line above will now read: It is impossible for me to strive for less than HAPPY. Let’s face it, if you are happy there must be an element of perfect in it somewhere.

2. There is always someone who loves you.

If there is ever a time when you feel like you are being pulled in twenty different directions, stop to think about those who love you. Love refuels your soul, your heart and your mind instantaneously. FACT: Love re-energizes you without effort.

3. The only way for you to continue to feel energized, rejuvenated, productive, and inspired is to take care of yourself.

I often have to remind myself how true this is. I tend to go-go-go-go and forget.  I now understand that this is not just a saying. Take good care of yourself, so you can be fabulous for others.

4. Family comes first.

The balancing act is always a challenge.  However, challenge doesn’t mean impossible. Designating time to be with your family allows you to indulge in quality interactions that will undoubtedly make you feel complete and happy.

6. Laughter should be a constant in our lives.

We all know I laugh loud (and that’s ok). What I really want to do is laugh often.  I take what I do very seriously but I am at my best when I laugh and be myself.  So I do this a lot… along with my attempts to sing, dance, and just simply be silly.  Life is too short not to laugh while you work!

Readers: What are some things you have come to realize as the holidays draw near? What are some of your  goals for the holidays?

Kathy Romero

Kathy Romero is the Director of Wedding Planning For Preston Bailey Designs. She shares her thoughts and advice on Preston’s Blog every Thursday.

(Photo Courtesy Christian Oth)

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Categories: Acheiving happiness, Advice, Celebrity wedding planner, goals, happiness, Holiday Advice, Holiday Goal, Kathy Romero, Kathy Romero Advice, NY wedding designer, Preston Bailey, preston bailey blog, Preston Bailey Bridal Blog, preston bailey brides, striving to be happy, Top Event Designer, Top event planner, Top Event Planner NYC, Top NY Event designer, top ny wedding planner, Top Wedding Blogs, Top Wedding Planner, wedding ideas

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