Dear Readers:
Not too long ago, while enjoying the company of a dear friend, he looked at me and asked, “What is your biggest design dream?” Wow, what a big question. For me, dreams have always been more aligned with survival more than anything else. For example, when I started working on my first floral arrangement, I never imagined it was the beginning of a career that would carry me this far. I think my dreams are simply that I have the opportunity to stay open to what the universe, or God, presents to me. When a client asked me if I could design plates and silverware, I answered, “Of course” and that became my next dream. Two years ago, I was approached and asked to build an event space without a background in architecture. I was excited about meeting the challenge head-on, and that became my dream. For me, life expands when one is open and my dream today is that I will always say “of course” when asked to do things that initially seem impossible. I hope I always have the courage and desire to figure out how to make the impossible, possible.
I would like to know what your greatest design dream is? Also, please give us all an example of design challenge that you managed to pull off by saying, “Of course, I can do that.”
Dream big and often,