
Never Say Never

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Preston Bailey, Preston Bailey's Blog, Winter Wonder Wedding

Dear Readers:

I once made a statement (on television, no less) that I would never use carnations.  Well, fast-forward fifteen years and guess what? I have grown incredibly fond of this often-snuffed-at-flower, most especially when I am executing one of my floral structures.  As a designer, it is hard to ignore their “fluff” factor and longevity. And yes, they can be quite beautiful when arranged properly.

In today’s blog, I will be sharing three of my big sweeping “never” statements that I have happily (and humbly) retracted.

At one point in my career, I thought ferry lights were being overused.  I swore I would not use them based on that fact alone (after all, I enjoy offering my clients something different).  Then, one day, I met with a lovely client who wanted them at her wedding on a grand scale, the concept worked out beautifully.

In the beginning of my career, I was sure that I would never fire a client, regardless of the circumstances. I used to think that being in the service business meant dealing with challenges and challenging clients which meant firing a client was not an option.  Now, having being fired myself (yes, folks, I have been fired) I know that it sucks, but it’s worse to have to fire a client. I still regret it, but I remind myself that it was either them or my sanity,

As many of you know, I started out as a florist and designer. Years ago, just as I was starting out, I was approached by a client who asked me to plan her wedding.  I responded with my usual “sure, why not?” and found myself in a nightmare.  I told myself, “never again” and realized then and there that just because you think you can become a planner doesn’t mean you’ll be successful or an asset to the client.  Years later, I am more involved with that part of the service but mostly with my great planner, Kathy Romero.

The bottom line is that I have learned to never say never firsthand. The word brings a finality that means a road is closed, and as we grow and learn, we will appreciate the freedom that comes with having all roads open, and let’s face it; we all have the right to change our minds.

What is the one thing that you swore you would never do that you are considering doing again?  Also, as a side question, I would love to know if you yourself have ever been in the position of firing a client? Share your answers below, I would love to read them.



(Photo Courtesy of John Labbe)

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Categories: Advice, career advice, Celebrity wedding planner, change your mind, firing a client, life advice, never say never, NY wedding designer, Preston Bailey, preston bailey blog, Preston Bailey Bridal Blog, preston bailey brides, Top Event Designer, Top event planner, Top Event Planner NYC, Top NY Event designer, top ny wedding planner, Top Wedding Blogs, Top Wedding Planner, wedding ideas

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